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Pazurek nature reserve

Pazurek nature reserve

Widok na rezerwat przyrody Pazurek w centralnej części znajduję się osoba tyłem spoglądająca na rezerwat.

Pazurek Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

The Pazurek nature reserve is located in the southern part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland and consists of ancient forests that once surrounded Olkusz from the north. Beech and sycamore thickets of trees are a refuge for many protected and endangered plant species. It's the perfect place for a family outing, and there's nothing more pleasant than relaxing in the summer in the refreshing shade of the trees.

The Pazurek reserve was established in 2008. Its relatively large area is 187.91 hectares. The highest elevation in the reserve is the Zubowe Rocks, which form an unusual rock city, shimmering in various shades of green grass and white limestone rocks in summer. Interestingly, it is the tallest, largest and most imposing of the eleven rock complexes in the reserve. The whole area of the reserve is covered by rich forest complexes, including the floristically most valuable Sudeten and thermophilic beechwoods. Their undergrowth and the surrounding rocks are home to many rare plant species, including 20 species of protected plants, such as wild garlic, perennial honesty and hart’s-tongue fern. The southern slopes of the hills are covered with thermophilic orchid beech forests. Rare orchids can be found here, including the broad-leaved helleborine, large-white helleborine and early coralroot, and spring vetch or bastard balm, which emits a characteristic lemon scent.
The reserve is home to 290 species of vascular plants, including several dozen protected species led by rare orchids, 86 species of bryophytes and 22 species of cap fungi, and more than 100 animal species. A more than five-kilometre-long red nature trail and two blue connecting trails lead through the reserve from the railway station in Jaroszowiec and from the forest car park on provincial road 783 near the village of Pazurek. Nearby, in the midst of the forest, rises the modernist hospital building, currently specialising in pulmonary diseases, built in 1934. The paths lead along wooden steps with handrails woven in between the rock walls, an unusual sight inviting a walk with the family. While in the area, it is also worth visiting the Rabsztyn Castle, located on the Trail of the Eagles' Nests, or Olkusz – the Silver City.