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Waterfalls on the Łomniczanka Creek

Waterfalls on the Łomniczanka Creek

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33-351 Łomnica-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

The waterfalls are an inanimate natural monument. It is located in Łomnica-Zdrój, a small village in the Jaworzyna range in the Beskid Sądecki.

The waterfalls on the Łomniczanka Creek is about 3 metres high and 7 metres long. Water flows in three streams down the fractured sandstone. The water depth at the base is approximately 1.6 metres. The waterfalls form on a natural rock threshold. Below the waterfalls are springs of acidulous mineral water with a content mainly of bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium ions. It is in the vicinity of Łomnica-Zdrój that the most significant number of springs of these sorrels have been found. Several springs are captured and used by residents. The 50-metre-long stream bed of the Łomniczanka Creek and the rocky threshold with its waterfalls, banks and mineral water springs were granted protection as an inanimate nature monument in 1973. Two more reserves of inanimate nature were established in Łomnica-Zdrój in 1998: the Stanislaw spring and the sandstone rock.