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Tatra Manor — Zakopane

Tatra Manor — Zakopane

Okazały budynek z cegły na podmurówce z kamienia, z wielospadowym dachem i wkomponowaną po środku kwadratową wieżą z oknami w dachu zwieńczonym u góry. Szczyty wykończone w drzewie. Okna na parterze wykończone łukiem. Z boku schody do drzwi wejściowych. Od przodu zadaszone wejście. Po bokach krzewy i po prawej tablice informacyjne. Budynek stoi szczytem do ulicy, przy której stoją zaparkowane samochody. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa i zachmurzone niebo.

ul. Krupówki 12, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182063012
The first cultural centre in Zakopane, Tatra Manor saw performances by Mieczyslaw Karłowicz, Helena Modrzejewska, Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Henryk Sienkiewicz. The building was erected on Krupówki Street on the initiative of the Tatra Society in 1881 to house the Society's offices, a library with a reading room, and a ballroom. It also hosted lectures, concerts and theatrical performances.

Tatra Manor remains one of the most important historical buildings and tourist attractions on Krupówki Street in Zakopane. Its Polish name – Dworzec Tatrzański – has nothing to do with a train or bus station; instead, the word ‘Dworzec’ comes from Polish ‘dwór’, denoting a manor. The Tatra Manor was the first cultural centre and the seat of the Tatra Society in Zakopane, which hosted important events and balls. These days, it is a restaurant and the headquarters of the Tatra Branch of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society. The historic Tatra Manor, also known as the Tatra Society Casino, stands tall in the heart of Zakopane. The history of the Tatra Manor and the plans for its construction date back to 2 December 1874, when its originator – Walery Eljasz – offered to purchase a plot of land to build a seat for the Tatra Society at its extraordinary General Meeting of the Tatra Society. Among other things, the building was supposed to be turned into a casino, which was previously located in Jan Krzeptowski's house on Krupówki Street, the summer seat of the Tatra Society. The casino served as a library as well as a reading room, an assembly hall, and a concert and theatre hall. When the building burned to the ground during one of the lavish carnival balls in 1900, the decision was made to rebuild it in brick. The rebuilt Manor also housed a restaurant that became a favourite meeting place for the elites of Zakopane. 

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