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Sucha Beskidzka – the castle

Sucha Beskidzka – the castle

Duży plac dziedzińca otoczony jasnym dwukondygnacyjnym, renesansowym zamkiem z arkadowymi krużgankami na podobieństwo zamku królewskiego na Wawelu w Krakowie. Po bokach dwie kwadratowe wieże, z prawej z zieloną kopułą, po lewej obronna z kwadratowym dachem koloru jasnobrązowego, takiego jak reszta budynku. Po prawej stronie mury trzeciej części zamku. Przed nimi dwa oddzielone od reszty kwadraty z trawnikiem.

ul. Zamkowa 1, 34-200 Sucha Beskidzka Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 338742605
fax. +48 338742605
Thanks to its architecture referring to the Kraków royal seat, the castle in Sucha Beskidzka is called the Small Wawel.

It was erected by Kasper Suski in the 16th century and expanded by Piotr Komorowski and transformed into a Renaissance mansion at the beginning of the subsequent century. The mansion has a three-wing structure, an open courtyard and four towers. The wings on the side of the courtyard are adorned with arcade galleries. We recommend seeing a richly decorated fireplace in the Knight’s Room and a late Gothic polychrome in the chapel. Today the castle is owned by the Sucha Beskidzka Commune and functions as the cultural centre of the city and region. Its premises are home to the Sucha Beskidzka Town Museum, the Municipal Culture Centre, the Tourist Information Point, the School of Tourism and Ecology and the “Kasper Suski” restaurant and hotel. The western part of the castle park in the Gardener's House contains the Ethnographic Department of the Town Museum, which presents the life of inhabitants of the region: Babia Góra Highlanders and Żywiec Highlanders.


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