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Father Józef Tischner's shepherd's hut on the Sumolowa Glade Zarębek Wyżni Łopuszna

Father Józef Tischner's shepherd's hut on the Sumolowa Glade Zarębek Wyżni Łopuszna

Mały drewniany domek będący Bacówką księdza Józefa Tischnera na Polanie Sumolowej, budowany na zrąb, kryty spadzistym dachem, pośród zielonych drzew.

Łopuszna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

Father Józef Tischner said that the mountains shaped his views. This is where he loved to stay, and this is where he built himself a shepherd's hut to escape to and where he sought refuge.
'Łopuszna – our home on the Dunajec River. And it was here, as a child, that I saw war. We then fled to the mountains, under Turbacz. And that's how my song about Slebod began....' recounted Father Józef Tischner, who loved the Gorce Mountains and Łopuszna. Here, he would come, put on his mountain hat and talk to people. This is also where he decided to set up his hermitages. If we want to find it, we have to head a bit above the last buildings to Sumolowa Polana, where there is an incredible view of the Tatra Mountains and Podhale. The shepherd's hut is hidden among tall trees on the edge of a small clearing. Father Tischner's tiny wooden hut was built by local tinkers in 1975 on land provided by the priest's school friend, Leon Smarduch. It was there that Father Tischner used to come from Kraków to rest and work. It was here that many of his philosophical books were written.