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The Pieniny Mountains - Czorsztyn and Niedzica

The Pieniny Mountains - Czorsztyn and Niedzica

Na wzgórzu ruiny murowanego  zamku z fragmentami murów obronnych i kwadratowej wieży z flagą biało-czerwoną. Pod zamkiem lasy z jesiennymi złotymi liśćmi. Po prawej za skałką widać fragment jeziora. W tle widok na zalesione góry i pogodne niebo.
Estimated travel time: 03:00
Scale of difficulty: For beginners
Length of trail: 2,5 km
Niedzica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz
The route presents the most interesting attractions in the Niedzica region
The route presents the most interesting attractions in the Niedzica region
1) Dam in Czorsztyn
Time of arrival: 30 min, Sightseeing time: 30 min

The dam in Czorsztyn is located on the Dunajec river. It was built to protect the river valley from flood. It is 56 meters high; its construction was completed in 1997, at which time the Czorsztyn Lake was created. Below the dam of the Czorsztyn Reservoir, there is another reservoir in Sromowce, which is used to retain water. At the main dam, there is also a power plant.

2) 3D image “Power of elements”
Time of arrival: 5 min, Sightseeing time: 10 min

The image “Power of elements” is a huge 3D painting on the upper part of the dam in Niedzica. Standing with the camera at a designated point, you can take a beautiful picture of ourselves with raging whirlpools, waterfalls and a flowing river. It is an undoubted attraction of the dam, created by Ryszard Paprocki (who has also painted a three-dimensional painting in Wieliczka) and Zbigniew Wojkowy. The entire image measures 34 m and in order to see it you need to climb the dam, between Czorsztyn Lake and Sromowce Lake.

3) Dunajec Castle
Time of arrival: 20 min, Sightseeing time: 60 min

For a long time, the castle founded in the 14th century by the Berzeviczy family in Niedzica, together with the twin fortress in Czorsztyn, guarded the Polish-Hungarian border running through the Dunajec river. The fortress had many different owners, and its past is described in several legends: about a prophecy of a gypsy woman about an oak tree, about a famous robber Janosik, about strange love of Brunhilda and Bogusław the Bald and love of the English knight Kambeka.

4) End - return to the car park
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