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Kościół Najświętszej Maryi Panny Wniebowziętej na Burku Tarnów

Church of the Assumption of Holy Mary, Tarnów

Ogrodzenie z sztachet i kamiennych murków. Za nim wysoka wieża z baniastym hełmem zwieńczonym u góry krzyżem, drewnianego kościoła z wysoką nawą z oknami, dale z niską, dobudowaną z boku zakrystią. Ze stromym dachem pokrytym gontem. Po bokach drzewa, po prawej jeszcze bez liści. Na błękitnym niebie mała chmura.

ul. Najświętszej Marii Panny 1, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146213175
tel. +48 668826276
One of the oldest wooden churches in Małopolska, built in 1458.

However, the massive, square-shaped tower was added much later (the beginning of the 20th century). The interior of this shapely, Gothic building is decorated with a delightful polychrome. The ceiling is covered with paintings from the interwar period, but the northern wall of the chancel still has fragments of earlier, 16th and 17th century flower themed polychromes. The main altar holds a 16th century image of the Virgin Mary with Infant Jesus, famous for its miraculous powers. Other local attractions: Tarnów, also known as the pearl of Renaissance, with a particularly beautiful Old Town boasting a Gothic-Renaissance town hall, Renaissance tenement buildings and a 15th century cathedral with an extremely precious group of gravestones. Church in Skrzyszów from 1517, located on the Wooden Architecture Route, built using log construction technique and featuring rich furnishings from the period between the 15th and 19th centuries. Dębno Castle Museum, a fortified residence from the 15th century.



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