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Kościół ewangelicki świętego Marcina Kraków

St. Martin Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Krakow

Kościół św. Marcina w Krakowie od frontu.

ul. Grodzka 58, 31-044 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124466430
tel. +48 508181045
“Empty like in a Lutheran church” – this old Polish saying adequately illustrates the Protestant approach to the church furnishings. Indeed, the interior of St. Martin’s Church at Grodzka Street strikes with its austerity and simplicity.
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, the largest Protestant community in Małopolska, has been in possession of the church since 1816. St. Martin’s Church is the former Church of the Discalced Carmelite Sisters, erected in the Baroque style in the years 1637-40. After the convent’s liquidation, the church was transferred to the Evangelic community in 1816. The Methodists and Baptists also have their churches in the region.

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