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Kościół świętego Mikołaja Kraków

Church of St. Nicholas in Krakow

Fasada Kościoła św. Mikołaja w Krakowie od frontu, ale trochę z boku. Na kościół częściowo pada słońce.

ul. Kopernika 9, 31-034 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124312277
fax. +48 124295407
Armenian masses are also held in the Church of St. Nicholas in Krakow.
The garden, adjacent to the church features an original khachkar, the Armenian votive cross stone with rich ornaments and the incorporated Armenian cross. The Krakow khachkar commemorates the Armenians who have incessantly lived in Poland since the 14th century, as well as the Armenian massacre carried out in Turkey in 1915, and other Armenian victims.

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