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Muzeum Wincentego Witosa Wierzchosławice

The “Wincenty Witos House” Museum in Wierzchosławice

Drewniany, parterowy, wiejski dom z niewielkim gankiem, z dwoma jasnymi oknami, z dwuspadowym dachem. Przed domem ogródek z kwiatami i trawa. Po prawej drewniany płot, za nim fragment budynku i drzewa. Po lewej żywopłot i za nim budynek i drzewa. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

Wierzchosławice 698, 33-122 Wierzchosławice Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146797040
The Wincenty Witos Museum comprises two farmsteads separated by a distance of 500 m, one farmstead being the so-called ‘Old House’, i.e., a two-hundred-years-old cottage covered with a hay roof (place of Witos’ birth and childhood) and the ‘New Farm’, i.e., five wooden buildings covered with a tiled roof.

He built the farm house on land he received with his wife’s dowry. The farm known as the Witos farm by the village inhabitants consists of a complex of wooden buildings covered with a tiled roof, arranged in a square: a residential building, a stable containing the permanent historical exhibition, two barns and a cellar with an extension. The house features a kitchen with a bread stove operated from the hallway, Witos’ office with his desk and a number of his personal effects, a room where his daughter lived with her husband, and the room of the lady of the house, i.e., Wincenty Witos’ wife. The Large Stable houses a collection of agricultural items and farming tools used in villages in the second half of the 19th century, while on display in the Small Stable are primarily historical People’s Party banners and several other exhibits, such as harvest wreaths.

Wincenty Witos (1874–1945)

Born in Wierzchosławice, three-time prime minister of the Second Polish Republic, leader of the People’s Party and politician convicted for subversive activities in an opposition organisation. A poor peasant from Galicia who, thanks to his obstinacy and ambition, became a statesman. A patriot not only in his words, but also deeds. A unique man with extraordinary devotion to Poland. The portrait of Witos as a private man is equally interesting.

Worth seeing in the area! When being in Wierzchosławice, it is worth taking a trip to Wojnicz, where there is the wooden church from the 17th century and the 19th-century palace.

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