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16. The open-air museum of Pogórzańska village in Szymbark

16. The open-air museum of Pogórzańska village in Szymbark

Drewniana, z małą podmurówką z kamieni, biała chałupa z beli z Gródka w skansenie wsi pogórzańskiej w Szymbarku. Dach pokryty słomą. Na środku wejście po dwóch stopniach, po bokach okna. Przed chałupą, za bielonym pniem  drzewa, po lewej stronie wejścia, drewniana buda dla psa i ławka. Wokół zieleń.

Szymbark, 38-311 Szymbark Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183511018
The open-air museum of the Pogórzańska village named after professor Roman Renifuss was established in the 1980s. It presents the little-known folk culture of the Gorlice Foothills. The open-air museum is a branch of the Dwory Karwacjanów and Gładyszów Museum in Gorlice.

On an area of approximately 2 hectares, there are buildings representing the typical rural architecture of the Gorlice Foothills and the folk culture of the region. The department presents a dozen or so objects of wooden folk architecture of the Gorlice Region with their full equipment. In total, it is several thousand exhibits. In the open-air museum, next to rural cottages, you will find a forge, grain milling windmills, an oil mill, a weaver cottage and a kiln for firing dishes. Most of the objects come from the nineteenth century. With a bit of luck, you can come across a show of craftsmen who cultivate old traditions.
The open-air museum conducts extensive educational activities and organises a number of outdoor events in the summer and winter seasons. The branch offers an educational park of the history of folk construction and machinery on the Polish-Slovak border and an exhibition pavilion with the exhibition "Pogórzanie and Neighbours - folk costumes from regions of Poland and Slovakia". The facilities are adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, located outside in the form of outdoor exhibitions combined with sensory gardens referring to regional traditions.

In the vicinity of the open-air museum, there is a brick 16th-century defensive manor house of the Gładysz family and a bourgeois manor house transferred from Gorlice. In Szymbark we will see two more monuments of the Wooden Architecture Trail. One of them is a small church of St. Wojciech Biskup from 1782, whose walls and roofs are covered with shingles. The temple does not have a tower, and the decorative gable of the façade draws special attention. The second object is the Orthodox church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary dating back to 1790 or 1821.

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