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Żywe Muzeum Obwarzanka Kraków

The Live Obwarzanek Museum, Krakow

Kosz z obwarzankami.

ul. Paderewskiego 4, 31-150 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123577322
tel. +48 600797528
They were eaten by Queen Jadwiga and the knights before the Battle of Grunwald. The Krakow obwarzanek has an age old reputation and an unquestionable position. If you would like to see how this most popular symbol of Krakow is made, now is your chance. In the Live Obwarzanek Museum, you will learn about its history and try your hand at being a baker. Are you ready?

They must be scalded. This is the only baked good in the world that is treated in such a way before it is baked. Only such a preparation will achieve the perfect taste, which has given it its rightful place in the culinary history of Krakow. The bakers who were given the privilege to sell it belonged to the city's elite. It’s no wonder, after all, that it was the favourite snack of Queen Jadwiga and the redemption of the knights who ate it before the Battle of Grunwald (legends say that King Władysław Jagiełło ordered 16 carts of the pretzels to go into battle with the Teutonic Knights). It seems mundane, because apart from flour, salted water and yeast, all that they need is love. Well, maybe a proper twist in the dough and sprinkling of sesame, nigella or salt. But, do not be fooled. You can learn about the baking secrets and methods of baking an obwarzanek in the Live Obwarzanek Museum. Your visit includes an hour-long workshop (also in English), with both an educational and practical part, after which each participant will come out with their own handmade obwarzanek. It’s fun for the whole family, so book one of the sessions in advance to have a great time.

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