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Cerkiew świętego Dymitra Muszyna Złockie

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Demetrius in Muszyna-Złockie (currently the Roman Catholic Parish Church of the Nativity of the BMV)

Wnętrze drewnianej cerkwi. Po bokach drewniane krzesła. Na podłodze środkiem długi dywan prowadzący do ołtarza głównego ze zdobionym złoceniami ikonostasem z wieloma obrazami świętych, z malowanym dużym obrazem na suficie, z malowanymi ścianami i oknami po bokach. Na podłodze dywan. Po bokach ołtarze boczne.

Złockie 33, 33-370 Muszyna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184714130
A church already existed here in the late C16th while the present structure was erected by the builder Kondracz in the years 1867-1872.
The church is arranged in a cross, the first such example in this region, and is topped by an octagonal cupola on a tambour, a style also foreign to the church architecture of this area. The church interior has a natural wood colour, while the chancel has retained polychrome work from 1873. The church fittings include: an iconostasis by A. and M. Bogdański from the second half of the C19th, two C19th side altars and many interesting icons. Worth seeing in the area! Złockie is situated in the Sądecki Beskids, in the southern side of Jaworzyna Krynicka (1,114 m a.s.l). The granting of the charter based on Vlach law is dated back to the 16th century. Until 1947, Złockie was inhabited by the Lemkos. Currently, it is the district of Muszyna, tourist and spa centre. Through Złockie, runs the Wincenty Pol green tourist route from Muszyna to Wysowa and the yellow route leading from Muszynka via Złockie, Wojkowa, Szczawnik to Żegiestów.

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