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Kościół świętego Łukasza Ewangelisty Lipnica Wielka

Church of St Luke the Evangelist in Lipnica Wielka

Widok z góry na ulicę i przy niej zabudowania. Po prawej stronie ulicy stoi murowany kościół o jasnych ścianach, z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką. Dalej wysoka, podłużna nawa, z dachem krytym blachą i z wieżyczką z sygnaturką. Na dole kościoła z boku nawy przedsionek z wejściem. Na około wysokie drzewa i alejka pomiędzy trawnikami. Przed kościołem plac wyłożony kostką. Z tyłu w oddali łąki, pola i zalesione wysokie wzgórza pod niebem częściowo zachmurzonym.

Lipnica Wielka 583, 34-483 Lipnica Wielka Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 182634523
The current church in the parish of St Luke the Evangelist in Lipnica Wielka was built in 1769, following the demolition of the old wooden church, which was later moved to Chyżne.

One of the most valuable monuments of Lipnica is the Church of St Luke the Evangelist, which has been entered in the register of monuments, was built in the Baroque style in the years 1762–1770 through the efforts of the then-parish priest Father Wojciech Zubrzycki, a native of Zubrzyca Górna. The consecration of the church took place on 7 April 1769. The figural-ornamental polychromies on the vaults and walls date back to the 20th century. The previous one, dating from the time of the church's construction, was still visible in 1930. The surroundings of the church, including the gate and the yard of the church, also constitute a historic monument. According to local oral tradition, the completion of this magnificent brick building was made possible thanks to the money of the Orawa robbers from the foot of Babia Góra. Its architecture is described as Upper-Hungarian Baroque, and the tall tower with a spherical tented roof towers over the vast valley of Lipnica Wielka. In the interior, decorated with Neo-Baroque polychrome, there are some preserved historic elements, such as the stone baptismal font from the 18th century and the statue of St Adalbert.

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