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The Parish Church of the Sending Out of the Holy Apostles in Gruszów

The Parish Church of the Sending Out of the Holy Apostles in Gruszów

Drewniany kościół z kwadratową wieżą i dachem krytym gontem, z prezbiterium na niewielkiej kamiennej podmurówce. Wokół trawa i chodnik prowadzący do bramy wejściowej w ogrodzeniu otaczającym teren świątyni. Na około rosną wysokie drzewa. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

Gruszów 136, 32-414 Gruszów Tourist region: Pogórza

The church was erected in the first half of the C16th. The chapel located to the north of the nave dates from the C18th.
The church in Gruszów is late gothic, built using log construction and covered by shingles and tin (the spire roof). The spire has slanting sides and a bell house with decorative engraving carved into the boarding. The eclectic main altar dates from the C19th – it contains”,” among others”,” the figures of Madonna with Child and the Apostles St. Philip and St. Andrew. It is worth paying attention to both the painted Stations of the Cross from the turn of the C19th and to the neo-baroque pulpit. Worth seeing in the area! Gruszów is located in the Commune of Raciechowice, famous for its organic fruit-growing. Fruit-growing in Raciechowice has a very long tradition. The orchards existed here as early as the mid-19th century. Apples from Raciechowice were sold in Kraków, Wieliczka, Zakopane and even in Vienna. The taste of apples from Raciechowice is affected by the specific mountainous microclimate, including large temperature differences between day and night. When being in this area, it is worth seeing the manors in Raciechowice, Bojańczyce, Mierzeń, Czasław, the wooden church in Raciechowice (SAD object) and the Hermitage in Krzesławice Podkamień (SAD object).