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St. Andrew’s Parish Church in Polna

St. Andrew’s Parish Church in Polna

Na wprost drewniany kościół widziany z ukosa. Od lewej cztery schody do dużych jednostronnie otwartych drzwi przedsionka. Dalej wysoka nawa z oknem i z krzyżem na szczycie dachu. Po prawej w głębi wysoki, przybrany kwiatami krzyż i przedsionek z dachem krytym blachą. Na około trawnik i alejka z betonowych płyt. Po lewej trawa i fragment drewnianego ogrodzenia z murkami kamiennymi. Za nim kilka drzew i w tle wzgórze. Po prawej za kościołem wysokie drzewa i niskie choinki. Niebo zachmurzone.

Polna 31, 38-331 Stróże Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 184472782
The church was built in around the middle of the C16th.
In the mid-C19th the nave was elongated and two porches were added. It is a log-construction church, with vertically boarded walls and no spire. The chancel is decorated by figurative polychrome work from the mid-C16th, discovered in 1966-67. The paintings depict scenes from the Passion of Our Lord and figures of the saints. The main altar and two late-baroque side altars date from the C18th. The main altar contains a C16th renaissance painting of Madonna with Child and an C18th baroque St. Andrew.

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