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The Parish Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus in Łętownia

The Parish Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus in Łętownia

Za betonowym placem ogrodzenie z kamienia pokryte gontem, po lewej brama z daszkiem. Za nim drewniany kościół z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką, z nawą z wysokimi oknami i nawą boczną z zaokrągloną ścianą i oknem. Dach pokryty gontem. Po bokach kościoła i za nim drzewa. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Łętownia 99, 34-242 Łętownia Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 182773014
tel. +48 182773190
The church was erected in the years 1760-65 under the patronage of the then landlady of Łętownia and Łopuszna – Barbara nee Janicki Lisicka, as the third church on this spot.
The baroque church was built using log construction, with vertically boarded and moulded walls. The polychrome work has mainly floral motifs and dates from the end of the C18th. Precious church fittings include: rococo altars from the second half of the C18th; a rococo pulpit from around 1779; Stations of the Cross painted on canvas with rococo frames, and the organ and casing from the third quarter of the C17th.

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