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The Church of St Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr in Raba Wyżna

The Church of St Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr in Raba Wyżna

Za betonowym placem i wysokim ogrodzeniem z kamieni po lewej z furtą, stoi wysoki, murowany, jasny kościół od strony prezbiterium. Z dachem pokrytym blachą  Z podporami. Z tyłu daszek nad rzeźbionym obrazem. Prezbiterium w kształcie niepełnego ośmiokąta. Na dachu wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Dalej wysoka, kwadratowa wieża z dachem zwieńczonym u góry. Obok kilka drzew. Z tyłu po lewej dach budynku i drzewa. Po prawej w oddali łąka i drzewa. Niebo bezchmurne.

Raba Wyżna 36, 34-721 Raba Wyżna Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 182671140
The church owes its present, spacious structure to a mid-19th century extension of an earlier Baroque temple.

In the 16th century the village belonged to Wawrzyniec Spytek Jordan of Zakliczyn. In 1581 his heirs, his daughter Anna with her husband Kacper Zebrzydowski, built a small wooden church. The parish was erected in 1618 and placed under the patronage of the nobility. In 1665 Wawrzyniec Spytek Jordan's great-grandson Kacper Sierakowski built and furnished a Baroque brick church that was consecrated in 1668 by the suffragan bishop of Krakow Mikołaj Oborski. In 1841–1843, the church was extended, a bell tower was added and a new roof was put on, and the church was consecrated by the dean of Maków, Father Marcin Leśniak. After reconstruction in 1848 it was consecrated by the Bishop of Tarnów, Grzegorz Józef Wojtarowicz. The church bells, dating from 1678, 1732 and 1858, were requisitioned by the Austro-Hungarian Army during World War I, and the remaining bells were looted by the Germans in 1941.

It is a brick church, covered with sheet metal and surrounded by a wall.

The main altar contains a painting of the patron saint, St Stanislaus. At the beginning of the 20th century, Piotr Nizinski, a pupil of Jan Matejko, painted the plafond on the vault. Attention is drawn to the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Rabiańska from the 18th century. In the side altar there is a painting of the Mourning of Christ from the 17th century by an unknown painter, inspired by a painting by the Italian painter Annibal Carracci. Other than that, the Baroque furnishings from the 18th century include the altar in the chapel, the pulpit, the statue of Christ Crucified, the organ prospectus and the hanging body of a spider (pająk korpusowy) decorated with ground glass.

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