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Kościół świętych Apostołów Szymona i Judy Tadeusza Białka Tatrzańska

Catholic Church of St Apostles Simon and Jude Białka Tatrzańska

Na wprost drewniany kościół widziany lekko z góry, z ukosa. Od przodu niski, zadaszony przedsionek, za nim wysoka, kwadratowa wieża, z pochyłymi ścianami i dachem zwieńczonym u góry krzyżem. Dalej szersza i niższa nawa z węższym prezbiterium. Dachy pokryte gontem. Na dachu nawy wieżyczka. Obok świątyni po prawej kilka nagrobków. Na około kilka drzew. W tle dachy budynków i wzgórze. Niebo z kłębiastymi chmurami. i drzew.

ul. Środkowa 183, 34-405 Białka Tatrzańska Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182654177
tel. +48 606291481
The wooden church from around 1700 was built on the site of an earlier church from the first half of the 17th century. It is well worth entering it to see the numerous sculptures, including those made by folk artists.

In 1635, the first wooden church was built by the parson Szymon Sylezjusz from the foundation of the Great Chancellor of the Crown Tomasz Zamojski, and consecrated by the suffragan of Kraków Stanisław Szembek. In 1637, King Władysław IV granted Wojciech Nowobilski the sovereignty of the village and established a branch parish in Ostrowsko. The first church burned down around 1700 or even in 1723. On its site, on the initiative of parish priest Marcin Drużbacki, a new temple was built around 1700 by local carpenters. It was consecrated in 1765. Nearby, a brick church was built in 1921 on the initiative of Fr. Jan Madej, and the wooden church ceased to serve as a parish church.

It is a timber church consisting of a nave, a triangular closed chancel and a columnar tower with sloping walls. The church is boarded, covered by a multi-pitched, shingled roof; the tower is covered by a tented roof. Adjacent to it is a brick vestry. Inside, the fragments of a figural polychrome from the mid-19th century have been preserved. Attention is drawn to the numerous sculptures on the ceiling and walls, including four angel sculptures by folk artist Wojciech Kułach Wawrzeńcok from Gliczarów. Also noteworthy are the polychrome altars, the main Rococo-classical one from around 1780, the right Baroque one and the early Baroque one on the left, one of Podhale's most valuable movable monuments. procession floats

The church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route. 

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