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Ethnographic & Historical Museum Andrychów

Ethnographic & Historical Museum Andrychów

Murowany, piętrowy budynek, na którym powiewa polska flaga. Na budynku tytuł wystawy. Na bramie z prawej strony napis muzeum. Obok budynku zieleń i drzewa.

ul. Podgórska 3, 34-120 Andrychów Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

The museum was created thanks to Edward Wincenty Szlagor's passion, commitment, and determination. With his own efforts and resources, he preserved the authenticity of the family home, mill, and outbuildings. Complementing the whole were, family heirlooms, and collections of artefacts curios and miscellania he had gathered over the years. His motto was: 'Let's save what we can'.

The collection is based on authentic residential and farm buildings (house, barn, mill, sawmill and pond) from the early 1930s. The oldest part of the complex, near the pond, is the mill and sawmill dating from the turn of the previous century. The entire complex occupies 10 hectares and was inhabited by the Okrzos and Kuś families. Thanks to the founder's incredible determination and considerable financial outlay, some buildings were saved, including the residential building and the barn, which both now house the museum. After lengthy treatment and painstaking conservation, the buildings are now in excellent condition and are an exciting example of interwar architecture.

The museum has succeeded brilliantly in recreating the atmosphere of years gone by to show how people lived and worked in the years up to and including the 1930s. The intention was that anyone visiting the museum would have the impression that the owners, when leaving the house for their day jobs, left the door open, with a standing invitation to stop by and pay a visit.

The exhibition in the residential building includes former original living and office spaces from the 1920s and later, as well as a permanent exhibition about the Jews of Andrychów. You can see old agricultural machinery, tools, and stables in the barn.