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Muzeum Tatrzańskie Zakopane

Muzeum Tatrzańskie (Tatra Museum) in Zakopane Gmach Główny (Main Building) Zakopane

Noc. Podjazd z kostki przed duży, murowany budynek z wysoką podmurówką z kamieni. Przed budynkiem ogrodzenie metalowe z otwartą bramą. Dalej schody do dużego wejścia z łukiem. Nad nim dwa piętra z oknami i poddasze użytkowe w jaskółce z oknami. Boczna ściana budynku częściowo zasłonięta przez wysokie drzewo iglaste, z oknami na parterze i piętrze. Wyżej nad daszkiem poddasze użytkowe z jaskółką i  oknami w niej. Po prawej i lewej stronie budynku wysokie drzewa i stojące samochody.

ul. Krupówki 10, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182012936
The Zakopane style stone building next to the famous promenade, Krupówki, houses a splendid natural collection. The exhibition is based on the collection of Tytus Chałubiński, known as the "discoverer of Zakopane".

The core of the exhibition consists of the collection of Doctor Tytus Chałubiński, known as the “explorer of Zakopane”. The museum collects and exhibits numerous Tatra rocks and minerals. You can also learn about the flora of the mountains at the exhibition on the altitudinal zonation in the Tatras. The fauna collection includes about 230 species of stuffed animals, mainly mammals and birds. The ethnographic exhibition on the culture of the Podhale, Orava and Spiš highlanders looks interesting. You enter this part of the museum through the original doorframe of a highlander's hut from 1905. The interiors of traditional chambers in highlander's cottages, the so-called black and white chambers were recreated. The next part of the exhibition is devoted to various forms of economy in Podhale, such as hunting, shepherding and agriculture. The exhibition presents folk costumes from Podhale, musical instruments, sculpture, ceramics, as well as glass paintings. The third section is devoted to the history of Podhale, Zakopane, and above all, Tatra tourism. 

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