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“Jutrzenka” Villa Zakopane

“Jutrzenka” Villa Zakopane

Drewniana piętrowa willa z wielospadowym czarnym dachem, na kamiennej podmurówce. Przed budynkiem chodnik miejski, stoi na nim ławka. Z tyłu kilka drzew bez liści i choinki. Bezchmurne niebo.

ul. Grunwaldzka 3, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182012833
The Zakopane-style villa was built in 1900 in the area that is now an urban park. It had a turbulent history, alternating between serving as a private guesthouse and a public building serving various purposes. Currently, it is city-owned and the seat of the Tatrzańskie Centrum Kultury i Sportu “Jutrzenka” (Tatra Cultural and Sports Centre “Jutrzenka”).

The “Jutrzenka” Villa is one of the most beautiful examples of wooden architecture in the Podhale. The location of the building in a revitalised urban park at Plac Niepodległości, a few steps from the Krupówki in Zakopane draws you to the legendary villa. During the revitalization works on the park, the building was also fully refurbished. The “Jutrzenka” Villa was built in the Zakopane style in 1900 in today's urban park. In 1903, it was sold by the owner, Maria Ochorowiczowa, to become a guesthouse with, among others, its own stable with saddle horses, carriages, and a photo studio. Before World War I, the guesthouse changed owners many times. In 1918 “Jutrzenka” was confiscated by Kompania Wysokogórska (The High Mountain Military Company), and was purchased by the municipality a year later. In the interwar period, it was the seat of the spa authorities, the Municipal Health Office and veterans' organizations. After World War II, “Jutrzenka” became the seat of youth organizations: the Polish Youth Association and Scouting. In 1998, the villa was taken over by the city. Currently, it houses the Tatrzańskie Centrum Kultury i Sportu “Jutrzenka”, the ArtPark Gallery, Muzeum sztuki młodej i najmłodszej (the Museum of Young and Youngest Art) and numerous interest clubs for children and teenagers. The founding body is the Tatra poviat.

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