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“Kasprowy Wierch” Villa

“Kasprowy Wierch” Villa

Dzień chyli się ku zachodowi. Niebo bezchmurne. Na wprost jednopiętrowa, duża, drewniana willa w jasnym kolorze, z dachem pokrytym blachą, z wieloma małymi oknami, z balkonem pod po środku na pierwszym piętrze i drugim nad nim, z jaskółką na poddaszu. Pod balkonami drzwi wejściowe. Przed drzwiami kilka schodów przykrytych wykładziną. Nad wejściem napis Hotel Kasprowy Wierch. Po prawej i lewej fragment drewnianego ogrodzenia i zamknięte parasole.

ul. Krupówki 50b, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182012738
This spacious house was built in 1890, in the Swiss style and initially served as a hotel in the hydrotherapy facility of Dr. Bronisław Chwistek. In the interwar period, the doctor's son, the philosopher Leon Chwistek, ran a guesthouse here called "Gerlach", which was then transformed into the hotel “Kasprowy Wierch”. After changing fortunes in the following decades, when the building was used as an office and a school, it returned to its former glory in 1993 and a hotel with a renowned restaurant operates there under the original name.

The villa was built in 1890 by Bronisław Chwistek, a famous physician. His wife Emilia, née Majewska, was a pianist and painter, a pupil of Jan Matejko and Karol Mikulski. Her son Leon Chwistek was a painter, art critic and theoretician, mathematician and philosopher, member of the avant-garde Formist group and founder of the aesthetic theories of 'multiple realities' and zonism.

Bronisław Chwistek was also socially active in Zakopane and was co-author of the first statute of the Zakopane Meterological Station He organised trips to the Tatra Mountains in the style of Dr Chałubiński: with friends and a highlander band.

Dr Chwistek opened one of the first hydrotherapy establishments in Zakopane under the name ‘Hygea’, of which the villa was the hotel part. After his death, the guesthouse was taken over by his son and the name was changed to "Gerlach", thento the "Kasprowy Wierch" Hotel. The use of the villa changed several times in later years. In the 1990s, a hotel began operating there again.

The villa was built in the Swiss style, dating to the early period of the Zakopane style. Today, the villa is listed in the register of national cultural heritage. You can rent a room there and experience the atmosphere of old Zakopane.

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