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Ruiny Zamku Bydlin

Castle ruins, Bydlin

Na wzgórzu porośniętym trawą fragment muru z kamienia, częściowo podświetlony z wewnątrz. Po prawej i lewej stronie kilka drzew a nad nimi rozgwieżdżone niebo i mocno świecący księżyc w pełni.

32-310 Bydlin Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

The Bydlin Castle, which is located on the forested hill, was probably built by Knight Niemierza of the Strzała coat of arms at the end of the 14th century. Unfortunately, until the present times only the ruins have been preserved – remains of the walls and of a moat which are a part of the Eagles’ Nest Route.

The average thickness of the walls of the Bydlin Castle was a bit more than 2 m and their average height was about 7 m. In the walls, there are traces of walled over embrasures. Apart from the defensive role, the Castle performed religious functions. At the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century, Mikołaj Firlej, the Kraków Province Governor, rebuilt the castle as the Church of the Holy Cross. Burned by the Swedes in 1655, rebuilt and abandoned since the 18th century, the church remains dilapidated. The ruins of the castle are available to visitors. The slopes of the hill feature the outlines of trenches that attest to the fighting in 1914. At the beginning of WWI, on 17 and 18 November, approx. 1,400 soldiers from the 6th Battalion of the First Brigade of Józef Piłsudski's Polish Legions, along with Austro-Hungarian units, waged a heavy yet victorious battle with the Russian army near Bydlin and Krzywopłoty. Forty-six Legion soldiers died; they were buried at the local cemetery next to other fallen soldiers. The 18th century stone chapel of the Consolation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which originally functioned as a hermitage, located at the entrance to the old cemetery, deserves attention.

The village of Bydlin is located approximately 10 kilometres from Olkusz.

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