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Józef Barnaś's Shepherd's Hut in Zbojecka Góra

Józef Barnaś's Shepherd's Hut in Zbojecka Góra

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Rabka-Zdrój Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

This shepherd pastures his 500 sheep in the Zbójecka Góra. This is also the place where he has had his shepherd's hut for the past 8 years and where he continues to shepherd and, on top of that, he makes there excellent oscypki.

Józef Barnaś, a highlander, is a well-known figure in Podhale, ran a shepherd's hut in the vicinity of the Hospital of Nowy Targ for many years that is so frequently visited by tourists and the local residents because of its accessibility. Even before that, he was a shepherd somewhere else – in Rdzawka, where he also earned an excellent reputation among tourists and respect among the local people. – 'That makes a total of 23 years of shepherding', counts Józef Barnaś. He sheep are entrusted to him for summer pasturage by farmers from near Rabka and his hometown Bańska Wyżna. He inherited his passion for animals from his father Władysław, who used to pasture in the Bieszczady Mountains and who later had a shepherd's hut in Czerwienne. – 'I have been with sheep since I was 18. I used to shepherd in Lower Silesia, in Podwilk and at Andrzej Zięba Gala on the Chochołowska Glade', he recalls. Now his shepherd's hut is located in the Zbójecka Góra in the Rabczańska Valley. It is easy to get here not only from the spa town of Rabka, but also from Skomielna Biała or Skawa. The name of the hill was given such a name not without reason – it was here that bandits used to ambush merchants travelling along the nearby roads with all sorts of commodities. Nowadays, it is above all a charming place, and  you can see a wonderful panorama of the entire region from the top of Zbójecka Mountain.