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The Greek Catholic Filial Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian in Skwirtne (currently a Roman Catholic Filial Church)

The Greek Catholic Filial Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian in Skwirtne (currently a Roman Catholic Filial Church)

Wnętrze drewnianej cerkwi. Po bokach drewniane ławki, z lewej niskie, bez oparcia. Nad nimi na jasnej tkaninie wisi obraz papież Prosty ikonostas z kolorze niebieskim. Przed nim prosty ołtarz i ławki. Ściany i sufit pokryte malowidłami. Na jednej ze ścian obraz świętego Jana Jana Pawła II. Na malowanych ozdobnie ścianach okna. Na wprost dalej stół przykryty obrusem i za nim ikonostas z wieloma obrazami świętych i z otwartymi przejściami do tyłu. Z malowanego obrazu na suficie zwisa wieloramienny żyrandol..

Skwirtne 18, 38-315 Uście Gorlickie Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183530720
The church was built in 1837. It is one of the most beautiful West Lemko Orthodox Churches.
The tripartite building was erected using log construction and the walls and roof were shingled. The interior is adorned with ornamental-figurative polychrome from 1900. Between the nave and chancel a contemporary iconostasis-like screen has been set up while the remnants of the old turn-of-the-C19th iconostasis have been placed on the walls. The chancel contains a main altar with a canopy and tabernacle from the mid-C19th. Worth seeing in the area! The Wincenty Pol green route, leading from Wysowa via Kozie Żebro (847 m a.s.l) to Magura Małastowska runs through Skwirtne.

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