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The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Wierchomla Wielka

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Wierchomla Wielka

Kilka rozrzuconych nagrobków na zielonym placu. Po lewej choinka. Po prawe wysoki mur z trzema dzwonami. Dalej na wprost ogrodzenie z kamieni i dwie wysokie tuje. Za nimi wysoki, prosty, drewniany kościół, ze stromym dachem z wieżyczką na nawie i dalej na prezbiterium. Od lewej wejście do przedsionka. Obok stoi wysoki krzyż. Za cerkwią łąki i zalesione wzgórza. Niebo z jasną poświatą nad cerkwią.

Wierchomla Wielka 15, 33-350 Piwniczna-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184468229
The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Wierchomla Wielka (currently a Roman Catholic Parish Church) was built in 1821.
The church’s tripartite layout and finials show the influence of Lemko architecture. The baroque-classical polychrome decoration was applied or renovated in 1928. You can marvel at the architectonic motifs on the walls, and at the figurative biblical scenes on the ceilings. The fittings consist of: an iconostasis from the second half of the C19th, and a C19th altar with a canopy and tabernacle in the chancel. The site is surrounded by a stone wall which contains three of the five remaining chapels.

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