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Orthodox church of St. Michael the Archangel. Brunary Wyżne

Orthodox church of St. Michael the Archangel. Brunary Wyżne

Drewniana cerkiew z zewnątrz, konstrukcji zrębowej z wieżą z pochyłymi ścianami, krytymi gontem, wyżej część kryta deskami. Na górze z hełmem blaszanym, wieżyczką i krzyżem. Za nią nieco niższa część. Dalej duża nawa z wieżyczką na górze i za nią  prezbiterium z wieżyczką na dachu. W elewacjach bocznych pięć prostokątnych okien zamkniętych łukiem. Wokół trawniki, alejki i drzewa, z tyłu widać fragment ogrodzenia z bramą. Niebo bezchmurne.

Brunary 45, 38-315 Brunary Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183516776
The church was built in the 18th century. Despite having undergone a reconstruction, it has preserved the features of a West Lemko tserkva.

The body of the building is characterised by a clearly outlined presbytery closed from three sides, a nave and a women's gallery together with an inclined tower. The walls are decked and the roof is covered with shingles. Each part of the church is topped with a bulbous dome with false lanterns and a cross. The interior is covered up with flat, faceted ceilings. The walls are decorated with polychrome from the late 19th century with Rococo-Classicist motifs, crafted by Antoni and Józef Bogdański, while fragments of earlier Baroque paintings have been preserved in the nave. The 18th-century Baroque iconostasis was repainted in 1831 during renovation. The presbytery houses the main altar with a canopy, three side altars from the seco+C16nd half of the 18th century are located in the nave. On the polychrome rood beam stands a cross and figures of Mary and Saint John. A beautifully decorated ambo, a choir loft and a rococo bench also attract attention. The building currently serves as a Roman Catholic parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Assumption. The church is surrounded with a stone wall from 1830. Since 2013, the church has been on th



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