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Former Confectionary of Karol Hagenhuber, Wadowice

Former Confectionary of Karol Hagenhuber, Wadowice

Betonowy plac, na nim latarnia i zawieszone na niej dwie flagi biało-czerwone. Po lewej ulica i betonowe słupki. Po prawej betonowy deptak i szereg budynków. Na wprost prosty, dwukondygnacyjny narożny budynek z szyldem z napisem Cukiernia. U góry po prawej balkon. Pod nim duże drzwi. Obok przejście pod arkadami. Z prawej i lewej strony przylegają  do niego kolejne kamienice. Niebo bezchmurne.

Plac Jana Pawła II 15, 34-100 Wadowice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

"And the confectionary was over there. After the school-leaving exam we went for cream cakes. To think that we managed to bear all that, those cream cakes after the exam". John Paul II
The confectionery of Karol Hagenhuber from Vienna was one of the most elegant cafes in the town, often frequented by the intelligentsia and officers of the 12th infantry regiment stationed in Wadowice. It was here that consecutive graduates of Wadowice Grammar School organized a competition after school-leaving exams, they bet who would eat the largest number of cream cakes. The confectionery was closed in 1945 and the cream cakes mentioned by the Holy Father can be found in all Wadowice confectioneries.

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