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Former Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square – the market square, Wadowice

Former Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square – the market square, Wadowice

Widok z góry. Płyta betonowego placu wraz z okalającymi kamieniczkami i na wprost w oddali z jasną fasadą murowanej bazyliki, z wieżą na dachu zwieńczoną baniastym hełmem. Po prawej przy placu zielony klomb i ulica z jadącymi samochodami. Po lewej u góry przy placu stoją samochody i rosną drzewa przy kwiecistych klombach. Na około za kamienicami budynki i drzewa.

Plac Jana Pawła II, 34-100 Wadowice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

The heart of Wadowice was and is up to this day the market square, which was also the centre of Karol Wojtyła’s life.
It was here that were situated his family home, parish church and common school. It was also here that he met his schoolmates to spent some time on having fun and playing football. After cardinal K. Wojtyła was elected pope, the market became for him a meeting place with the inhabitants of Wadowice (1979, 1991, 1999). In 1995, on the 75th anniversary of the birth of John Paul II, the main square in the city was given his name.

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