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Dłubniański Landscape Park

Dłubniański Landscape Park

Zielono-żółte pasy pól uprawnych na lekko pofałdowanym terenie Wyżyny Miechowskiej.

Iwanowice Dworskie Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 124153833
fax. +48 124157221
Organiser: Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Małopolskiego
ul. Vetulaniego 1A, 31-227 Kraków
Currently – the Dłubniański Landscape Park is part of the Jurassic Landscape Parks, covering an area of almost 11 hectares. Called 'Little Ojców', the park is distinguished by many old, historic churches, wayside chapels and nobleman's manor houses. A value not found elsewhere is the accumulation of mill remains – they form a peculiar landscape. There are as many as dozens of natural cold springs here

A visitor between Maszków and Iwanowice will quickly notice an analogy with the landscape of the Ojców National Park: picturesque terrain, numerous limestone rocks, a meandering river, and rich artesian-type water resources. The rocks with interesting names are worth checking out: Durszlak, Mały Chiński Murek, and Sokół.
The park's springs are pulsating springs and natural monuments. Visually, the karst spring Jordan is the most interesting: the lake that forms it is crystal clear, with a beautiful turquoise shade of water. It is approximately 3 metres deep and has a surface area of roughly 32 m². The water has a constant temperature of around 10 degrees Celsius, which is why, in former times, the lake acted as a kind of refrigerator for local residents. Even today, beams can still be seen at the bottom of it, replacing shelves. The depth of the lakes and the connections between them are hotly debated. According to local legend, when a farmer with oxen fell into the Hydrografów spring, they surfaced at the Jordan spring, a few kilometres away.
Near the Jordan Spring, you can see the historic Popielów Manor, designed by the architect Teodor Talowski known as the 'Galician Gaudi’. Also worth a visit is the Baroque monastery complex of the Norbertine nuns, the wooden Church of the Holy Trinity in Iwanowice, the Church of St Andrew in Sieciechowice, as well as the Church of St Nicholas in Wysocice. Several 18th- and 19th-century manor complexes have also been preserved in the villages along the river, including the historic manor park in Młodziejowice and Tarnawa. Interesting cultural monuments include the old cemetery in Imbramowice and a fortified settlement associated with the formation of the Vistula state. The park has existed since 1981 on the territory of six municipalities along the park axis, the Dłubnia River. These are the municipalities of Gołcza, Iwanowice, Michałowice, Skała, Trzyciąż and Zielonki.


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