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Fragmenty „Panoramy Siedmiogrodzkiej” Tarnów

Fragments of “Transylvanian Panorama” Tarnów

Fragment malowidła przedstawiający po lewej jeźdźców XIX-wiecznej armii na koniach, stojących na wale za rowem, w którym stoi po prawej jeszcze jeden koń z żołnierzem na nim. W tle dym i zaprzężone konie do wozów. Dalej widać fragment y pól.

Plac Dworcowy 4, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 784912326
Historical painting painted in 1897 overseen by Jan Stryka, presents the seizing of Sybin by the Hungarian insurrectionists led by General Joseph Bem on March 11th, 1849 during humgarian uprising.
Today inexistent, this oil painting boasted spectacular size of 120 by 15 meters, similar to “Panorama Racławicka.” A few years later, in 1908, the painting vanished in an unexplained way and was found over 70 years later, unfortunately – already fragmented. Various sources indicate that the painting's creator, Jan Styka, cut the painting into 60 pieces around 1920s with an intention to sell said pieces, which were spread across the entire world. So far only 38 fragments were found, 20 of which is kept in the collection od Polish museums, in Tarnów as well. The rest lays in private hands. Tarnowian Museum is conducting a search action for the lost fragments of that painting. In 2009, a fifty-meter replica adorned Fish Square in Tarnów.

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