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Gorlice’s Golgotha

Gorlice’s Golgotha

Wzgórze z niewielką murowaną z kamieni kaplicą ze strzelistą okrągłą wieżą oraz niższą i wyższą za nią, półokrągłą nawą z dachem strzelistym i sygnaturką na wyższej nawie. W ścianach wieży i nawy okna zakończone łukiem. Na około drzewa i panorama miasta za którą rozciągają się wzgórza gór. Za kaplicą stoją w szeregu kamienne, półkoliste tablice.
Niebo pogodne z niewielkimi pasmami chmur.

ul. Zamkowa , 38-300 Gorlice Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183525717
tel. +48 723967577
In the past, there was a cross on Zamkowa Hill (Góra Zamkowa) on which in the 1980s there was a small plate with the inscription "Pope John Paul II".
The father of Pope John Paul II – Karol Wojtyła senior, probably stationed in the uniform of an Austrian sergeant during World War I in trenches located in the vicinity of the hill and participated in the fights from November 1914 to 2 May 1915. The first Stations of the Cross were celebrated here in 1994 by the initiator of the construction of the Calvary – the priest of the parish church of St. Andrzej Bobola. The inhabitants of Gorlice have their Golgotha, to which they make pilgrimages, where they take their friends, which they proudly show to tourists. It is situated on a hill more than a kilometre away from the church of St. Andrzej Bobola. Walking thoughtfully along the paths of Gorlice's Golgotha, we admire the figure of Christ in Ogrójec, the tower with Pensive Christ, a Pieta, individual stations of the cross and finally the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre. The four-meter-tall Statue of the Risen Christ, located on a twelve-meter pedestal, makes an amazing impression not only over the hill, but over the entire town. It is visible from a very long distance – it welcomes and blesses Gorlice inhabitants, visitors and tourists returning to their homeland.

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