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The Hipolit Tenement House, Krakow

The Hipolit Tenement House, Krakow

Kawałek wybrukowanej ulicy i łańcuch, a zaraz nad nią Kamienica Hipolitów w Krakowie. Przed budynkiem stoją dwie parasolki, widać też ludzi oraz sklep z pamiątkami we wnętrzu.

Plac Mariacki 3, 31-042 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124225212
What was the state's bedroom or the lady's room like in the 19th century? And the office of a wealthy burgher from the 17th century? We invite you to the Hipolit Tenement House (a branch of the Krakow Museum), where you can explore an exhibition of the interiors of a burgher's house.

Here, you can look around the house freely. Start in the office of a wealthy burgher from the 17th century, decorated with Fontana’s stucco. From there, go to a bedroom decorated with rococo paintings in pastel colours and furniture decorated with flowers. Further on, there is a living room decorated with furniture from different eras, just as apartments were arranged at the time. There are paintings on the walls, which were eagerly collected by townspeople. The largest room is occupied by “the Collector’s Room”, where magnificent collections of works of art, both ancient and contemporary, have been gathered. On the second floor, you can visit a family’s apartment from the end of the 19th century. Here, you can find “the Grandmother’s Room”, “the Maiden’s Room” – decorated modestly and unpretentiously with simple supplies, without an excessive amount of ornaments. The heart of the home is in the dining room with a table in the middle with a hanging kerosene lamp above it. Next, there is a living room with a piano and a large sofa decorated with paintings and rugs, as well as a cabinet with trinkets. Finally, you can have a look at “the Master Bedroom”.

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