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Church of the Divine Mercy in Krakow, Armenian services

Church of the Divine Mercy in Krakow, Armenian services

Dwa rzędy drewnianych ławek ze śpiewnikami na nich. Po prawej stronie znajduje się czarno-złota ambona, a po lewej obraz Jezusa Chrystusa. Na przodzie widać ołtarz, do którego prowadzi długi dywan. Sufit z łukiem. Pod nim po lewej okno z witrażami.

ul. Bożego Miłosierdzia 1, 33-332 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124231206
The Armenians have settled in many Polish towns, including Krakow, since the Middle Ages. Initially engaged in trade, they quickly became assimilated into Polish society but retained the memory of their ancestors’ origin.
Until today the members of the Krakow Armenian community meet at services held in two churches, principally used by Catholics, that is, at the Church of the Divine Mercy and the Church of St. Nicholas. Armenian masses are held twice a month in the small Church of the Divine Mercy located at the corner of Felicjanek and Smoleńsk Streets. The church was erected in the years 1626–29 and belongs to the Catholic archcathedral parish on the Wawel Hill.

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