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Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Grobla

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Grobla

Jasne wnętrze kościoła NMP w Grobli, neogotyckie ołtarze, witraż na wprost w oknie prezbiterium.

Grobla 15, 32-009 Drwinia Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 122817084
tel. +48 605960889
The church in Grobla was built at the beginning of the 20th century (1906–1909) in the neo-Gothic style.
The temple is made of bricks, it has one nave. A tall tower rises in the front. The crossing of the naves is crowned with a neo-Gothic ave-bell turret. Between the buttresses adjacent to the walls you can admire ogival windows. The interior is decorated with a polychromy from 1937. An interesting element of the interior is a stained-glass window made in 1909 at the S.G. Żeleński plant in Kraków. It presents the scene of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church interior – altars, pulpit, benches, stone baptismal font, is neo-Gothic like the building itself, it comes from the beginning of the 20th century.