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The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Jurków

The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Jurków

Na wprost drewniany kościół z murowaną w postawie wieżą z przodu po prawej, z trzema oknami i od przodu z dużą wnęką z otwartymi drzwiami. Za nią wysoka nawa z oknami u góry i na dole, za nią trójbocznie zamknięta kaplica. Na dachu pokrytym blachą, na łączeniu nawy i kaplicy, wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Do świątyni prowadzą szerokie kamienne schody. Wokół chodnik i trawa. Z boku na trawniku stoi drewniany, wysoki krzyż. Po prawej fragment murowanej dzwonnicy i z tyłu drzewa. Po lewej drzewa i za nimi budynek. Na niebie kłębiaste chmury.

Jurków 128, 34-643 Jurków Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183332181
tel. +48 693558028
The pride of Jurków, a village at the foot of the Mogielica River, is a wooden church built in 1913.

The project’s creator was Jan Tarczałowicz. The church has a log-and-post structure. The body of the church is three-nave with a transept. It is surmounted by a tower built on a vast stone vestibule structure, covered by a spire and pyramidal cupola. Stylistically, the building resembles the Gothic wooden churches of the Podhale region.

Between 1920 and 1932, the temple was gradually decorated, with more altars and items being added. The church interior is covered with a corbel cradle vault supported by decorative supports. The whole is decorated with original polychromy that brings to mind Eastern art, made in 1966 by the Kraków artists Teresa Stankiewicz and Witold Damasiewicz. The main altar, built in 1920, is in the Neo-Romanesque style and contains an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  The side altars, built in 1932, are also Neo-Romanesque in character. Other interesting features of the church include a stone baptismal font topped with a lid on which sits a dove symbolising the Holy Spirit, a pulpit made of wood and decorated with bas-reliefs depicting Christ the Good Shepherd and the Evangelists, and an 8-voice organ made in 1930 by the Rieger company. In the square in front of the church is a free-standing bell tower on which three bells hang.

The building is located on the Małopolska Route of Wooden Architecture.

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