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The Parish Church of St. Nicholas and St. Laurence in Dłużec

The Parish Church of St. Nicholas and St. Laurence in Dłużec

Na wprost drewniany kościół od strony trójbocznej zakrystii. Za nią wyższe prezbiterium i nieco szersza nawa. Dachy pokryte ciemną blachą. Na środku wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Dalej widać fragment kwadratowej wieży zwieńczonej u góry krzyżem. Wokół alejka z kostki, trawniki i kilka drzew. Teren otoczony murowanym ogrodzeniem. W oddali budynek i niewielkie wzgórze. Niebo pochmurne.

Dłużec 44, 32-340 Wolbrom Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 326447044
The church dates from 1780. The building was financed by the Wolbrom starost’s wife, Urszula nee Morstin Rawicz-Dembińska. At the beginning of the C20th the church’s nave was elongated and connected with the spire, which was built in 1825 as a free-standing bell tower.
The church was built using log construction, with both vertical and horizontal boarding. In the corners of the nave walls there are decorative pilaster strips. The most precious element of the fittings is the side altar in the form of a triptych with a statue of The Virgin Mary Enthroned from the last quarter of the C15th, late-gothic paintings and gothic statues of the Saints. Worth seeing in the area ! In front of the church, there is the mound overgrown with trees where we may see an octagonal brick St. Joseph chapel from the 18th century. On the hill towering over the village, there is a small cave known as Posełkowa.

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