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The Auxiliary Church of St. Antony in Sieniawa

The Auxiliary Church of St. Antony in Sieniawa

Po lewej gruby pień wysokiego drzewa. Na wprost ciemny, drewniany kościół widziany z boku z dachem pokrytym gontem. Od lewej z niższym przedsionkiem z małym oknem, za nim wyższa nawa z wysokim dachem i wieżyczką na nim. Okna z łukami. Pod nimi podcienie i w środku zadaszone wejście. Na około kilka wysokich drzew bez liści i choinki. Po prawej w tle zalesione wzgórze. Niebo bezchmurne.

Sieniawa 304, 34-723 Sieniawa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 182775403
The Auxiliary Church of St. Antony in Sieniawa has origins that date back to around 1740. It was a manor chapel, founded by the village landlord, Andrzej Sendzimir.
Since 1990 it no longer fulfils the role of parish church as a new brick church has been built. The walls are log-construction and above the arcade they are vertically boarded and moulded, while underneath the external arcade (soboty) they remain without boarding. An attractive bell turret with a false lantern is located on the roof ridge. The interior polychrome decoration comes from 1845 and the three late-baroque altars date from the C18th. Also noteworthy are the C18th Stations of the Cross.

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