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The Parish Church of St. Andrew in Graboszyce

The Parish Church of St. Andrew in Graboszyce

Pod bezchmurnym niebem na wprost drewniany kościół z wysoką kwadratową wieżą po lewej, z baniastym hełmem i z pochyłymi ścianami u podstawy. Dalej szersza nawa z dwoma oknami i pośrodku z małym gankiem. Po prawej węższe prezbiterium z oknem. Dachy wysokie, pokryte gontem. Na środku wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Na około alejka. Po bokach drewniane ogrodzenie. Na kościół padają cienie wysokich drzew bez liści. Po lewej i z tyłu drzewa i dalej budynki. Niebo błękitne, niemal bezchmurne.

Graboszyce 15, 32-640 Zator Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 338412593
The Parish Church of St. Andrew in Graboszyce was built in 1585 to replace an older church.
It uses log construction and is covered by a gable roof with a ridge of variable height. In 1617 a bell house tower was added to the west and then elevated a storey and topped with a spherical dome in the C18th. Unusual features of the church are the tiered sacristy along the north wall of the chancel and the C17-18th baroque fittings which include a crucifix on the rood arch, a main altar with paintings of Madonna with Child and St Andrew and a winged altar-piece with the paintings Ecce Homo and Our Lady of Sorrows from the C16th.

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