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Church of St Quirinus in Łapsze Niżne

Church of St Quirinus in Łapsze Niżne

Kościół o białych ścianach i ciemnoszarym wysokim dwuspadzistym dachu, z kwadratową wieżą od frontu zwieńczoną baniastym hełmem z sygnaturką. Teren wokół zagospodarowany, otoczony ogrodzeniem z kamienia. Wokół wysokie drzewa.

ul. Jana Pawła II 84, 34-442 Łapsze Niżne Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182659369
tel. +48 607077603
This impressive Gothic structure with Baroque furnishings has a rather exotic patron saint. It is the only church in Poland to have as its patron a bishop and martyr active in the territory of present-day Croatia during the reign of Diocletian.

Saint Quirinus is more well-known in the Hungarian culture. The church was built around 1310 as a result of the efforts of the foundation of Kokosz Berzewicz, who was also the founder of the village. From 1313 to 1786 it remained under the administration of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Miechów. It is worth mentioning that at that time the whole of Spisz belonged to Hungary. The Gothic-style building is accessible through a Gothic portal. Its presbytery is crowned with a ribbed vault. The late Baroque main altar contains a painting of St Quirinus, surrounded by statues of saints  – St Sebastian and St John of Nepomuk. The statue of God the Father can be seen on the finial of the altar. There are also two Baroque side altars. The left one is associated with the priest Joseph Stanek, whereas in the right one you will recognise images of St Anthony of Padua and St Nicholas. The parish has belonged to the Piarist Fathers since 1957.

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