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Grywałd, Church of St. Martin

Grywałd, Church of St. Martin

Drewniany kościół widziany z boku, od lewej z wysoka wieżą z wieżyczką zwieńczoną u góry, z szeroką podstawą, dalej z wysoką nawą i niższym prezbiterium. Dach pokryty gontem. Z boku przy nawie nieduży ganek z wejściem. Po bokach wysokie bezlistne drzewa. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Kościelna 6, 34-450 Grywałd Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 182623827
tel. +48 182623594
The small church in Grywałd is yet another precious building in the Podhale region. It dates back to the second half of the 15th century, and it has maintained its Gothic form and character despite a number of conversions.
A massive tower with a wide base that adds the building some military character was added to the modestly sized main body of the church. The shingled church blends beautifully with the landscape – it occupies a small hill, standing at a certain distance from the village buildings. Its charm is intensified by the surrounding fieldstone wall. The interior is decorated with wall paintings dating to the beginning of the 17th century, while the most precious item inside is the late Gothic triptych from the beginning of the 16th century.

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