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The Parish Church of St. Stanisław the Bishop and St. Barbara in Szyk

The Parish Church of St. Stanisław the Bishop and St. Barbara in Szyk

Za kamiennym ogrodzeniem z zadaszoną bramą stoi wysoki, drewniany, ciemny kościół. Od lewej wysoka, kwadratowa wieża z dachem zwieńzonym u góry krzyżem, dalej niższa nawa i prezbiterium z długim dachem pokrytym gontem i z wieżyczką na środku. Po bokach widać budynki i drzewa bez liści. Na niebie kilka niewielkich chmur.

Szyk 7, 34-620 Jodłownik Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183321108
tel. +48 603724737
The Parish Church of St. Stanisław the Bishop and St. Barbara in Szyk was built in 1633.
For its construction use was made of elements of an earlier C16th church. It is one of the most beautiful churches in Małopolska it is late gothic and was built using log construction with shingled walls. The interior is adorned with ornamental-figurative polychrome work from the second half of the C19th. In the chancel you can see fragments of older paintings from the turn of the C17th, with scenes of the Assumption. There is a late-baroque main altar from the second half of the C18th, with a lategothic painting of Madonna with Child (1520-30), which is probably the work of the Szczyrzyce Cistercian Stanisław Samostrzelnik.

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