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The Auxiliary Church of St. Adalbert in Kąclowa

The Auxiliary Church of St. Adalbert in Kąclowa

Na wprost drewniany kościół z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z sygnaturką u góry, dalej wysoka nawa z niższymi nawami bocznymi, z dachem pokrytym blachą, z trzema oknami w części górnej. Na dole po środku wejście po kilku schodach. Za nawą niższe szerokie prezbiterium. Na około kościoła alejka i drzewa. Z tyłu lasy i częściowo zachmurzone niebo.

Kąclowa 116, 33-330 Grybów Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184472284
The Auxiliary Church of St. Adalbert in Kąclowa was built in 1926-29, based on a design by Z. Mączeński, who modelled it on the traditional regional type of construction.
The independent roofs (a pediment roof above the nave and a polygonal roof above the chancel) are covered by tin (originally they were covered by shingles). In the interior the ceiling is partially flat, and partially uses false arched vaulting. The eclectic main altar from 1960 is the work of J. Puchała. On it you can see a painting of the Crucifixion from the same period, painted by Cz. Preis. The fittings also include a wooden pulpit and font from 1933, and an organ that dates from 1793.

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