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Church of St. Catherine the Virgin and Martyr Kamionka Mała

Church of St. Catherine the Virgin and Martyr Kamionka Mała

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Na wprost w oddali bogato zdobiony ołtarz główny, na ścianach malowane wzory, na suficie obraz Matki Bożej. Po lewej otwarte drzwi, po prawej wejście do bocznej kaplicy, w której widać fragment bocznego ołtarza. Na ścianach wiszą obrazy świętych. Z sufitu zwisają dwa wieloramienne żyrandole.

Kamionka Mała 135, 34-602 Laskowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183334680
The historic wooden church was built in the 18th century. Church historical documents mention a parish in Kamionka as early as the 14th century.

According to legend, the place where the church stands today is said to have once housed the hermitage of Catherine, sister of the holy hermits Świerad, Just, and Urban, who settled in the valley of the Dunajec River. Another story has it that the Poor Clare Sisters found an image of St Catherine on this spot and tried to move it to their monastery, but the image miraculously returned to its original place. This painting is still in the main altar today.

The historian Jan Długosz mentions the parish of Kamionka with its church three times in his work 'Liber Beneficiorum’. These records show that around 1440, a parish with a wooden church lost its autonomy in 1470 and was attached to the parish of Ujanowice. By this time, the wooden Church of St Catherine in Kamionka had deteriorated considerably. At the beginning of the 18th century, it was in danger of falling into complete ruin, so rebuilding began (or perhaps it was built from scratch using material from the previous church).

The church is orientated. In 1790, a pillar tower was erected and improved several times. Today, the tower is two–storey and topped by a bulbous cupola with lanterns. In 1838–1839, the church was fitted with a stone floor, and the wooden roof was replaced. The shingle roof was replaced with sheet metal in 1903. The church was panelled with new boards and painted. In the middle of the gabled roof is a turret with a bell. In 1884, a chapel and porch were added on the south side and a vestry and storeroom on the north side. This gave the church the shape of a cross.

Inside the Church of St Catherine there is, among other things, a crucifix from around 1470 on the rainbow beam, a 17th-century Baroque statue of St Catherine on the main altar and paintings of the church's patron saint and the Virgin Mary. The pulpit, with its depictions of the Evangelists, is also interesting. The interior of the church is decorated with a figural polychrome from 1857.

The site is located on the Wooden Architecture Route. 

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