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St. Sebastian’s Church in Wieliczka

St. Sebastian’s Church in Wieliczka

Na wprost za fragmentem ogrodzenia z daszkiem z gontu stoi drewniany kościół z jasnych pionowych desek, z dachem krytym gontem. Na dachu wysokiej nawy wieżyczka z sygnaturką. W nawie dwa prostokątne okna i pomiędzy nimi niski dach przedsionka. Po lewej niższe prezbiterium z dobudówką. Po lewej korona drzewa przysłaniająca nieci dach prezbiterium. Po prawej z tyłu drzewa. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Św. Sebastiana 23, 32-020 Wieliczka Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 122782723
St. Sebastian’s Church was built in 1581 using larch wood, and then rebuilt in the C18th.
There is a baroque turret with a lantern above the chancel, and adjoining the nave to the west is a low spire capped with a spherical cupola. The interior is covered by false vaulting and has remarkable polychrome decoration carried out in 1903-1910 by Włodzimierz Tetmajer. The church fittings consist of a rococo main altar with an C18th painting of St. Sebastian and two side altars: one early-baroque, containing a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the other baroque with a C17th crucifix. Near Wieliczka, in Jawczyce, there are 18 burial mounds raised probably in the 9th or 10th century.

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