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All Saints' Church Łososina Górna

All Saints' Church Łososina Górna

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Na wprost bogato zdobiony, złocony ołtarz główny z obrazem Matki Bożej z Dzieciątkiem. Przed nim stół z obrusem i kwiatami. Po lewej wysoki krzyż. Na suficie polichromia. W lewym górnym rogu fragment zdobionej wiszącej ambony. Po prawej na ścianie obraz Matki Bożej i okno.

ul. Koszarska 1, 34-601 Łososina Górna Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183376043
The wooden church was built in 1778, on the site of an earlier late Gothic church. Since then, it has been rebuilt and renovated several times.

The parish in Łososina Górna itself is much older than the present church. It was first mentioned in 1320. In 1543, the temple was taken over by Arians thanks to the then-owner of the estate, Andrzej Rupniewski.  The Catholics did not recover the destroyed and profaned church until 1615. The present wooden, Baroque-style church was built in a timber-frame construction with a tin roof surmounted by a square tower. In 1891, the church was enlarged by the addition of two chapels to the presbytery.

The interior is decorated with figural and ornamental polychrome. The vault of the presbytery shows the scene of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, while the vault of the nave shows the Last Judgement and the Coronation of the Virgin Mary. The interior decoration and furnishings are primarily in the Rococo style. The main altar is adorned with an image of Our Lady and Child, which is overshadowed by a canvas All Saints Adoring the Holy Trinity. Also noteworthy are a stone baptistery from the 15th century and a Rococo pulpit from the second half of the 18th century.

The church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route (Link to the description of All Saints' Church Łososina Górna)

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