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The Ojcowski National Park

The Ojcowski National Park

Las, za nim pas wyciętych drzew. Dalej na wzgórzu las. Za nim niżej na wzgórzu duże białe, wysokie budynki z czerwonymi dachami a po prawej od nich pośród drzew dwie wystające skały i dalej lasy. Po lewej pola. W oddali kilka zabudowań i niskie wzgórza pod obłokami płynącymi na niebieskim niebie.

Ojców, Ojców Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 123892005
tel. +48 123892005
Ojców 9, 32-047
Although it is the smallest park in Poland, it hides real treasures and incredible nature. It is an oasis for climbers, paradise for archaeologists exploring caves and a real breath of fresh air for those who come here to relax. In addition, you can eat delicious trout here.
This park is the perfect place to relax, with air that rejuvenates the body. The advantages of this area were noticed already in the 19th century, which was undoubtedly due to the proximity of Krakow. The fairy-tale nature of the park’s landscape – steep walled canyons, protruding rock needles, groups of outliers is the result of the destructive activity of water. The limestone rocks that build the upland are relatively easily dissolved by rainfall, and the millions of years of limestone leaching have resulted in astonishing forms. The most spectacular the Prądnik Valley – a gallery of karst works. We can find rocks with fanciful shapes that reach several dozen meters high, springs (karst springs) and a lot of caves (estimated at over 400). In the valleys carved by water, a specific microclimate has developed, which, together with the great variety of the terrain, resulted in an extraordinary floristic richness of the park. Over a thousand species of vascular flora have been recorded here, i.e. nearly half of those found in Poland. The most interesting are, among others: the rare Cypripedium calceolus, or the Thymus praecox, which is only found in this place in Poland. The most famous inhabitants of the park are bats – of 21 species living in Poland, 17 have been observed here. The silhouette of this mammal is also part of the park's logo.

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