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Kraków Valleys Landscape Park

Kraków Valleys Landscape Park

Skały wapienne otoczone zielenią.

Zabierzów Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Dolinki Podkrakowskie (the Krakow Valleys) is the perfect place for climbing, but also a quick trip outside the city with the family to catch your breath. This beautiful place in terms of landscape and nature is not called the “Switzerland of Krakow” for nothing.
For centuries, tourists have found this valley to be a perfect spot to relax because of its peace and quiet, climate and nature. It is the perfect place for a leisurely family walk, but also for a large dose of adrenaline – here you can start your climbing adventure. It is easy to reach, simple to navigate, even with a child in a pram. It is a place of many possibilities that can be explored spontaneously or with a map. Along the path or off of it. It is a land of valleys and gorges with picturesque streams flowing through it, it is also a kingdom of rock outliers, caves and ravines. These areas are ideal for one-day family trips, for example to the Będkowska Valley (the impressive Sokolica rock, waterfall, spring, the Bat Cave), Kobylańska (many rocks forming gates, crags and rock walls) or Kluczwoda (the Castle Rock) with the ruins of a knight's watchtower, the Wierzchowska Górna Cave. You cannot miss the Bolechowicka Valley, which is only 1.5 km long – a small miracle of nature. The huge stone gate guarding the entrance to the valley makes a great impression here. The Mnikowska Valley – a karst gorge, a fragment of the Sanka Valley – is also very charming. It owes its uniqueness to the beautiful inselbergs with original shapes that stretch almost continuously on both sides.

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