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Bukowica Nature Reserve

Bukowica Nature Reserve

Skały w kompleksie leśnym

Babice Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

The beautiful landscape of the Tenczyński Landscape Park, especially one of the hills overgrown with Carpathian beech, has been placed under reserve protection. The hill on which the landscape and forest nature reserve Bukowica spreads is made up of several types of Triassic limestone. The site is undoubtedly attractive because of its rock wall with numerous but small caves.

The quiet and charming corner is ideal for walking, cycling, and taking a break from the hustle and bustle. A yellow hiking trail leads through the beech forest, and walking along it provides rest and a decent dose of oxygen. The nature trails are enriched with interesting natural descriptions presenting plant and animal species, and types of rock building the hill.
In the Bukowica Nature Reserve, it is still possible to find disused quarries, a picturesque boulder pit and a spring. One of the top attractions in the reserve is a several-metre-high rock wall of Triassic limestone, in which cave openings can be seen. In addition to old beech trees, visitors are delighted by orchids, hornbeams, maples, pines, spruces and hazel trees. While walking through the reserve, you can hear the voices of many bird species, including finches, robins, and tits. An interesting phenomenon to observe during the walk is the clear boundary between the beech forest and the pine forest that surround the reserve. The reserve was established in 1987 and covers an area of approximately 22 hectares.